Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Should Military Recruiters be Allowed in High Schools Free Essay Example, 1000 words
Mr. Smith explains that recruiters want to ensure full awareness of high school students about the career choices and training opportunities military has to offer. There is a diverse range of choices available, from infantry to handling high-tech equipments and from engineering to medical technician. In addition to students, recruiters inform educators about what military has to offer, for instance, free of cost programs to improve test-taking skills and student assistance in learning not only about the careers that best suits their talents but also a career that is viable(as cited in Herbert, 2006). Military recruiters’ access to students’ contact information is often highly criticized but it is crucial as high school diploma is prerequisite for soldiers according to new standards. Getting school directory access helps recruiters in maintaining the record of high school diploma holders who are interested. As Mr. Smith explains, by accessing contact information, recruiters encourage and motivate students to complete graduation, discuss their goals and make them aware of all the opportunities. Therefore, the record helps recruiters to follow up the students who were interested in pursuing military career (as cited in Herbert, 2006). Regardless of all other factors, U.S. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Military Recruiters be Allowed in High Schools or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now is in great need of its best people. Engaged in two wars U. S. military recruitment is exceeding. Military recruitment is already accelerated due to the economic downturn and increasing competitiveness for higher education. In this scenario, military becomes even more desirable for most of the students (Woo, 2009). Military is a lucrative option for students because it is challenging and competitive. It also provides funds for health care and higher education in addition to offering retirement plans and home-loan programs. Allowing military recruiters access to high school campuses is as legitimate as any other employers’ access. No Child Left behind Act simply implies that military recruiters must be given the same opportunity to advertise at campus as myriad of other businesses. Certainly, military is not suitable for everyone but it is a legitimate career and provides the opportunities that are rarely available in other jobs at entry leve l (Blake & Harvey, 2007). Last but not the least joining military is a great way to play your part in giving back to the nation. Students must be exposed to this option. If a student is enthusiastic and ready to serve the country, military proves to be the best option.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Personal Narrative Essay - My Family - 1001 Words
Personal Narrative Essay: Dianna Belous A few months ago, at family prayer my grandfather was having trouble with his leg and he was limping. My uncle decided to ask if we wanted to pray for him. All the kids got around my grandpa, and we put our hands on him and we prayed about his leg. When he got up his leg was still bugging him. After prayer my grandparents went home and went to bed. The next week, my grandma told us that after we prayed last week, they went home and went to bed, but the next morning he was walking perfectly, without a limp. That was one of the blessings that my family experienced this past year. The Spiritual discipline that has been most helpful in establishing my relationship with God is both worship and prayer. I have already made prayer a part of my life. Every Tuesday my family gets together and we have a family prayer. This includes my whole extended family. we all get together and we pray. We pray about our family, our church, the kids, the youth, and everyone s separate families. It has had a great impact on my life. We started this family prayer thing a year ago. We began it the first or second week of the year. This year with these family prayers and just in general getting together with the family and praying a worshiping together has been such a blessing. First because we are so much closer as a family. Our cousins, at least the older ones, almost always go out and hang out after prayer. Some of the people i never even really talked toShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative Traumatic Events in My Family Essay594 Words  | 3 PagesPersonal Narrative Traumatic Event s in My Family The time came for her to be delivered. She gave birth to her first born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Big Bear Lake Essay Example For Students
Big Bear Lake Essay Did you know Big Bear was named Yuhaviat for thousands of years? The word Yuhaviat is a Serrano Indian word that means â€Å"Pine Place. †In Big Bear there is some major interesting history from Holcomb Valley all the way to the lake. Big Bear is rich with history throughout the valley. In 1860, Holcomb Valley was founded. About 15 years after Big Bear Valley was discovered, prospector Bill Holcomb discovered gold in a nearby valley, that he named Holcomb Valley. After gold was found, the population of Holcomb Valley grew to over 2,000; buildings and businesses sprung up, including a general store, saloon, grocery store, and a blacksmith shop. In Holcomb Valley, there are a lot of historical places and things. First there’s Hichcock Ranch and Hichcock Cemetery. Hichcock Ranch is one of the historic ranches in Holcomb Valley. Hichcock Ranch is now a Boy Scout camp and been used in many flilms. Hichcock Cemetery is a small unkept cemetery next to Hichcock Ranch. Next, are Wilbur’s Grave and Wilbur’s Pond. Wilbur’s Grave is a grave for Charles Wilbur. He was a popular gold placer miner in the area of Holcomb Valley. He was elected to organize the miners in establishing Boundary Rocks. He said, â€Å"When I die, bury me right here beside the pond. †They did. So, the pond is called Wilbur’s Pond to honor him. Then, there is Two Gun Bill’s Saloon and Hangman’s Tree. Two Gun Bill’s Saloon was a famous saloon, dance hall, and bordello. It was large and very successful. Bill carried two pistols to keep the peace in the saloon. Hangman’s Tree was a tree to bring law and order to the valley for outlaws. Finally, there is the Holcomb Valley Dam, Split Rock, Bellville Cabin and Arrastres. The Holcomb Valley Dam was built to dam up water from the snow melt and to help process gold ore. Split Rock is a boulder that some body claimed and drilled a hole in it so they knew it was their’s. The boulder is now split nearly in two. No one knows how it happened. Bellville came within two votes of becoming the country seat for San Bernardino. Lastly, Arrastres was a mine that crushed rock to look for gold, and controlled by a donkey or mule. Holcomb Valley is filled with history! From the lake to the ski slopes there’s lots of history. Big Bear’s first dam, completed in 1884, was soon followed by the Valley’s first hotel in 1888. In 1949 the first ski resort opened and Big Bear Lake soon became Southern California’s favorite mountain getaway. In 1969, Snow summit was able to add a second chair lift. On the outskirts or Holcomb Valley there’s the Gold Mountain Mine. It was a mine they used to crush rock to look for gold. Big Bear has lots and lots of history. There is Castle Rock, Iron Door Mine, Eye of God, Peace Rock, Iron Door Mine, Spanish Smelter, Rose Mine, The Big Bear Museum, and plenty more. Holcomb Valley is filled with history also. If you ever have time, check out some of these amazing places! Big Bear is an awesome place to live, and the history around it is also awesome!
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Greek Olympics Essays - Multi-sport Events, Individual Sports
The Greek Olympics Early Western Civilization A Gift of Peace from the Past, The Ancient Olympics Since 1896, the year the Olympics were resurrected from ancient history, the Olympics have been a symbol of the camaraderie and harmony possible on a global scale. The gathering of athletic representatives, the pride of the pack, from participating governments, even throughout the recent Cold War period, is proof that world unity is possible; just as it was in Ancient Greece with the polis or city-states. Olympic Games were held throughout Ancient Greece, but the most famous are the games that were held in Olympia in honor of Zeus every four years from August 6th to September 19th. The first record of these games is of one Coroebus of Elis, a cook, winning a sprint race in 776 BC. Most historians believe the games to have been going on for approximately 500 years before this. In the year Coroebus was made a part of history, there was apparently only one simple event, a race called the stade. The track was said to be one stade long or roughly 210 yards. In subsequent games, additional events were to be added, most likely to increase the challenge to these amazing athletes. In 724 BC, the diaulos, a two stade race, was added, followed by a long distance race, about 2 miles and called the dolichos, at the next games four years later. Wrestling and the famous Pentathlon were introduced in 708 BC. The Pentathlon consisted of five events; the long jump, javelin throw, discus throw, foot race, and wrestling. The Pentathlons, especially the successful ones, were often treated and even worshipped like gods. Because of their exquisite physiques, they were used as the models for statues of the Greek Gods. The superior athletic ability of these athletes affects the games even today. The twisting and throwing method of the discus throw, which originated in Ancient Greece, is still used today. The original events were even more challenging than those of today. The modern discus weighs in at just 5 pounds, one-third of the original weight, and the long jumps were done with the contestant carrying a five pound weight in each hand. The pit to be traversed in this jump allowed for a 50 foot jump, compared to just over 29 feet in our modern Olympics. Apparently, the carried weights, used correctly, could create momentum to carry the athlete further. Legend has it that one Olympian cleared the entire pit by approximately 5 feet, breaking both legs as he landed. One significant difference between the modern and ancient games; the original Olympians competed in the nude. Because of this, the 45,000 spectators consisted of men and unwed virgin women only. The only exception to this would be the priestess of Demeter who was also the only spectator honored with a seat. The young unwed women were allowed to watch to introduce them to men in all their splendor and brutality whereas it was felt that married women should not see what they could not have. In addition, the virgins had their own event which occurred on the mens religious day of rest. Called the Haria, in honor of Hara the wife of Zeus, the young women would race dressed in a short tunic which exposed the right breast. Traditionally, Spartan women dominated this event, being trained from birth for just this purpose. The religious undertones of the events became extremely apparent on the third day of the games when a herd of 100 cows were killed as a sacrifice to Zeus. In actuality, only the most useless parts were burned in honor of Zeus; most of the meat would be cooked and eaten that day. The sacrifices were conducted on a huge cone-shaped alter built up from the ashes of previously sacrificed animals. The mound was so large, the Greeks would cut steps into the cone after discovering it could be hardened by adding water and drying. Another ingenious invention was a system to prevent early starts in the foot races. It consisted of a bar in front of the runners to ensure they all start at the same time. This most likely was viewed as a blessing by the competitors, as previous to this, they would be beaten by the judges with rods for an early jump. This system led to the extravagant mechanisms used for starting the chariot races in 680 BC. Other introductions to the games were boxing in 688 BC, the pancratium, a no-holds barred form of wrestling, in 648 BC, and
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